Roberta Coldel: "Dreams… Bubbles & Bows", painting exhibition

from monday 14 january to saturday 26 january 2019
Vernissage by invitation on January 13, 2019 at 17.00
A brief, intense review of the artist whose is imbued with passion for her land, of love for nature. Sculptural arches aimed at a true and delicate communication. The artist colors a wounded world that, through resilience, emerges form a magmatic state, represented by the bubbles present on the canvas, to flow towards a living nature full of pop traits. The artist accompaines us on the journey through a tangible and entropic materiality, combining glazes, bright colors and dark marks obtained from the mud of the Venice lagoon.
I look for the primordial sense of belonging to the primitive, to nature, but I can not renounce technology and the time advancing. In my bows, as in my life technology, urban civilization, nature mingle in a fruitful dynamism that leads to ever new goals.
Roberta Coldel was born in Venice in 1972. She graduated from the Venice School of Art, sect. "Metals and goldsmithery", studied scenography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. She followed a course on illustration held by Alessandro Sanna. Among the various collaborations she boasts the one for the video of the "New Collection Schulhof" for the Guggenheim Museum in Venice, the realization of the installation "Shower Galsses" presented at MIDO in Milan and at SILMO in Paris for a brand of italian eyewear. The most recent exhibitions were at the "Mestre contemporanea" art gallery, at Palazzo Ca' Zanardi in Venice, at the "Tacco 11", paying homage to Federica Pellegrini of one of her own arched works, at Palazzo Ca' Gottardi in Venice. Together with two children affected by spastic tetra-paresis, she produced illustrations for the book "A4DITA", on three original stoires written by the venetian historian Alberto Toso Fei, presented at Palazzo Ca' Zanardi, in collaboration with the artist Mark Kostaby and the musician Tony Esposito.
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